Remix Your Future

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"I was definitely skeptical about the RMYF event. I thought "who's Mattrix and why should I care?"  But I bought the ticket. Best money I've spent on my career thus far. No joke.  The Mattrix explained things I'd been searching for answers to for 10 years.  I took his advice about social media and applied it. 48 hours later I had real, measurable results. If you spend no other money on your career this year, make it the ticket to a RYF event. Don't flake, don't fear, don't buy the shoes you don't really need. Just go to the event. Don't believe me? Message me. I'm a real artist. And this stuff works."  - Avion Blackstone (Austin, Texas)

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"OMG! Remix Your Future did exactly that! It absolutely remixed my mind and my whole entire thought process concerning the NEW AGE music industry! I received so many tips that are easy, as well as tips to promote and market my music. HOW TO MAKE MONEY $$, without spending money... It's hard out there for an Independent artist! This meeting was a jump start to my weekend, but I had to leave unexpectantly to go out of town. All I could think about was getting back home to start implementing all that I learned. I'm back and I'm ready to Rock it Out!  
I'm happy I took a leap of faith; I bought a Diamond ticket as well as a Gold ticket. WELL WORTH THE SMALL INVESTMENT. IT'S WORTH GETTING THAT DIAMOND TICKET PEOPLE!  The one on one meeting was a major blessing.  The Mattrix, or should I call him The MADD MATTRIX is off the chain, and JOHN make the greatest Yin Yang team! They unleashed a wealth of knowledge that they did not give out to everyone else in the meeting.  I received more tips and even great contacts! Thank you!"Royal Kinection (Dallas, Texas) 
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"In the beginning, I must admit that I was uneasy about Remix Your Future's A&R meet and greet. It wasn't that I hadn't been apart of one before, just that this event seemed more exclusive than past events I have attended.  However, after meeting The Mattrix and John during the course of the night, I discovered that this event was not the typical A&R listening session where A&Rs listen to a sample of your music, then give you generic, meaningless advice as they saw fit, but rather an interactive session where we challenged ourselves and each other as artists, walking away with valuable information inaccessible anywhere else. What's more is that we were able to make the session what we wanted it to be by asking questions on a personal level, developing an intimate relationship with an A&R, a mentor, and most importantly, a friend who believes in us when no one else will, ultimately equipping us with the tools, connections, and strategies we need to ascend to heights we ourselves could never imagine."  - One who May Ascend  (Dallas, Texas)
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"I'm so happy to have gone to "Remix Your Future Orlando" the event was very Fun, Informative, and Inspirational! The Mattrix knows his stuff. I now believe I have the tools to succeed in the business. Thank You!" - Amber Russell (Orlando, Florida)  
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"I had the best time at Remix Your Future! Not only I learned some strategies to boost my career as an artist but I also met really cool people in the music business! I'm really glad I made it." - Sonya (Atlanta, Ga) 
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"Remix Your Future was an eye-opener.The Mattrix gave us the opportunity to digest the red pill and now we are beginning to see the real world (of the music business). There are way too many Agent Smiths prowling for would be pop stars - but thanks to Mattrix and the Remix Your Future event - we were saved from the bad guys!" - Robert Jeter of JeterNTheJets (Atlanta, Ga) 
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"The Remix Your Future event has left me feeling invigorated! I'm headed in a better direction, and stand poised to take my career to the next level." - X "XKalibur" Davis (Atlanta, Ga) 
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"The Mattrix and his program is great, I have a feeling that everything is gonna be great for my future in the music scene! Thanks once again, and I will recommend others to go to a Remix Your Future event!" - Acoustic Henry (Orlando, Fl)

"Just when I thought everything was over and was ready to let go a door was opened. When I entered it, I met some of the great & talented people that I ever met. Who reassured me  that this  was just the beginning. So without further due I would like to thank Mattrix & Remix Your Future for believing in me and giving me the chance to finally let the world hear me. And prove those wrong who said I would never make it. I would like to share  some encouraging &  wise words from a friend 'I know that you are well able to achieve all that you put your full effort into, you are destined for greatness in this industry -Mattrix-'" Benjamin Wise of Colorblind Records (Dever, Co) 
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"Living in a city where there is a lot of "underground" music and you don't hear about many mainstream artists coming from Denver. The Remix Your Future event gave a glimmer of hope. When The Mattrix speaks he speaks with a sense of authority, this man knows what he is talking about. There is not one question that was asked that he didn't already have a clear concise answer for. I have been to events and left feeling like something was missing. The RYF event left me feeling I could conquer the world and the tools to do it with. Thank you The Mattrix and Remix Your Future for coming to Denver and giving us tools that could have taken years if not a lifetime to acquire if we had not found you" - Lilly Addison (Dever, Co) 

"The Mattrix  is owning Anaheim tonight! This is the best money I have ever spent on my career.. Thank you Mattrix!" - Marsha Bradley (Anaheim, Ca)

"I think the Remix Your Future conference was great!! I've been to a few conferences with panels and guest speakers before. But this by far was the most productive. The Mattrix provides some very good information about the industry from a very different perspective. Most of the "Panel Experts" blow a bunch of smoke and hot air. THE MATTRIX WAS ON POINT WITH A LOT OF INFORMATION!!" - Darren Edwards (Atlanta, Ga) 
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"I had a real good experience. I learned a lot and I'm gonna use those tools to further my career." - Yunik (Dallas, Texas) 
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